- Search16.06.2021 18:10 – 18:40Frannz SalonBeginner
The steps from speech to text are quite simple in theory : you transform the waves into phonemes, then you group them together and decide which has the best probability of representing a meaningful word or phrase based on a dictionary.
We often use services available with our devices for…
- Search15.06.2021 21:20 – 22:20KesselhausIntermediate
It is proven that for relatively well-structured data, like in e-commerce for example, a hand tailored search configuration can easily outperform machine learning approaches for relevance. The search configuration considers the different searchable fields, a business taxonomy and ontology, some…
- Search15.06.2021 21:20 – 22:20KesselhausBeginner
As many text mining applications, automatic text categorization is usually implemented with flavors of Machine Learning algorithms, which are trained with an appropriate training set to build the model. This model contains the statistical data based on training set texts that will later allow…