Julien Le Dem is the CTO and Co-Founder of Datakin. He co-created Apache Parquet and is involved in several open source projects including OpenLineage, Marquez (LFAI&Data), Apache Arrow, Apache Iceberg and a few others. Previously, he was a senior principal at Wework; principal architect at Dremio; tech lead for Twitter’s data processing tools, where he also obtained a two-character Twitter handle (@J_); and a tech lead on content platforms at Yahoo, where he received his Hadoop initiation. His French accent makes his talks particularly attractive.
- Scale15.06.2021 17:00 – 17:40Frannz SalonIntermediate
Data is increasingly becoming core to many products. Whether to provide recommendations for users, getting insights on how they use the product or using machine learning to improve the experience. This creates a critical need for reliable data operations and understanding how data is flowing…